What Happens in Sessions?
Initial Consultation
During this session I do a simple assessment to find out what your needs are and how I can best support you. I take a brief health history to ensure I can provide you with a tailored treatment plan and a suggested time frame for future sessions.
I will deliver an explanation of how the brain works which allows you to see how your mind works and how you can regain control. You will also receive a free MP3 download worth up to £15 to take away with you on the day to support the work we do together. I will also thoroughly explain the treatment process and what to expect from future sessions. (Approximately 1 hour)
Subsequent Hypnotherapy Sessions
Further sessions are designed to suit your needs and are a blend of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. They help you understand how the brain works in relation to your health needs and create a development picture to bring about long-lasting changes. The number of sessions needed varies from client to client and this will be discussed during the Initial Consultation. (Approximately 1 hour)

Stopping Smoking / Vaping
We will spend time exploring why you want to stop smoking as well as how and why you began smoking in the first place. I'll collect a brief health history and look at what has and hasn't worked for you in the past.
Alongside neuroscience and scientific research, we explore the role our mind plays in the habit of us smoking and more importantly, how we can train our mind to become a non-smoker.
You will receive a free MP3 download to take away with you to support the work we do together. (One session lasting approximately 2 hours)
Specific Phobia
Specific phobia treatment would include the Initial Consultation and three subsequent Hypnotherapy sessions.
Using a blend of NLP, hypnosis and psychotherapy I rewind and reframe your specific phobia. You will also receive a free MP3 download to take away with you to support the work we do together. (Approximately 1 hour per session, usually 4 sessions needed). Please note that a complex phobia would require more sessions. Please ask for more details.